Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Arrogance – something that everyone is guilty of being at one point or another, myself included, but some more so then others. I read something this morning on facebook that made me so angry and immediately wanted to respond with “who the hell do you think you are!” As the time passed I bit my tongue (or fingers in this instance) and really thought about it. Yes this person was out of line and it’s not the first time, but how much better would I be if I said something back? I found myself thinking this person thought they did nothing wrong and were better than everyone else and because of that I was better than them – but am I?

I saw where my mind was going and realized that in my line of thinking I was being just as arrogant as they were. I started to worry if I had ever been so downright arrogant to post something for everyone to see what an ass I really was – I hope not. I know I have my faults and I know sometimes I do think I am better than others, but it’s not because of what they do or don’t do – but how they act. I’ve always prided myself for being nice to others; no matter how nasty they were to me and how quickly I forgave them. I often put myself in other people’s shoes so I am not so quick to judge them – after all, who am I to judge?

In light of my new hate for arrogance I have placed myself on a higher standard – I don’t want to be that way, I don’t want people to look at me and ask “who the hell do you think you are?” I want to be kind and uplifting to others, not bring them down. I know I am not perfect and I know I still will have weak moments but the effort is there.

I’m just going to add a small note about assumptions – usually if you assume something is about you then you end up making an ass out of yourself but in this case – if you assume I am talking about you – then maybe this will be an ah-ha moment and you will see that maybe you too need to reevaluate what you do or say.

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