Money…why do so many people hold this as their highest priority? You know the saying “Money does not buy happiness” – well it’s true. I consider myself lucky to have realized this early in life so I don’t waste my life chasing the dollars. While money is important to have in order to live my life, I don’t live FOR money. Are our finances tight? Absolutely. Do I worry about finances, or lack there of – constantly; but we always make it to the next week, the next month, the next year with a roof over our heads and have never gone hungry.
I could easily go make more money – I’m 26, have a BS in accounting complete with 9 years of experience in a CPAs office and I’m sure there are plenty of firms that would be willing to give me a chance, but what would I give up? I currently work in an office that is very family oriented – any time I need off to take care of my family – I got it. My office is not more than 5 minutes from my house – I don’t have a long commute that takes away from the time I could be spending with my family. I am able to bring my daughter to work with me if needed or leave to make doctor’s appointments. How many people can say that about their job? To me that is more important than making another dollar or two.
Mark has offered up several times the option of going overseas for a year to make a lot of money and every time I have shot it down. No amount of money could replace that year I lost with him and he lost with his children. I know there are so many people who are separated from their families because of their job and duty to their country – that is different…they don’t go for the money.
As many know, my husband is a police officer, and well…cops don’t get into the business for the pay and the pay in the city he’s at REALLY sucks but I’d rather suck it up and watch our finances carefully and not go out to eat all the time rather than have to deal with shift work at a different department. I’d rather not have matching furniture then him hate his job somewhere else. Sure, he has a lot of days off and could easily get a second job as many cops do but I’d rather Colleen get to spend her days with her daddy then in a daycare. The time she gets with her daddy is priceless.
Looking at my life in this light – I am very blessed to be in the position I’m in – looking at my checkbook some would wonder how we manage…we just get what we need and put our wants aside. I will never again let money rule our life.
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