I read somewhere that a women's brain takes everything and tears it down into little peices and looks for reasons or answers then adds more and more to her thoughts before she has processed the first. Well, this is true for me and in reading this blog you will see it for yourself.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The road to spoiled...
Where is the line that leads to spoiled?
When I think about raising kids I want nothing more then to raise a child who is confident, respectful, and obedient. What I don't want is to raise an entitlement child, you know, the ones who think you owe them everything and are suppose to do whatever THEY want. I have always been a firm believer that it starts when they are young but now that I have the "young" child I begin to question where is that starting point leading to spoiled?
Is the starting point when you allow your toddler to ride a small bicycle through the Goodwill store? I could lie and say I let her ride it because it wouldn't fit in the buggy, but I really let her do it because it made her so happy and had I not let her ride it she probably would have thrown a fit. Or was the line when I said she could have the bike in the first place since she already had a bike, but I rationalized she needed a bike at her Grammy's house too. Had the bike not been only $10, I probably would have simply told her no and eventually just left the store without looking around, but it was only 2 McDonald's trips (yes, I judge costs based on how many times I cannot go to McDonald's in order to pay for it).
Is the starting point when you bring toys to restaurants with you to keep toddlers entertained so they don't run around causing trouble? At what point do you stop letting them bring toys? At what point do you expect them to sit and behave on their own? Are you suppose to even bring toys because then they expect to always bring toys?
Is the starting point when you plan your day doing everything your child wants to do so they are always entertained?
Where is the line? This is always my problem, I over think every decision I make and get it in my head that I have just set myself up for failure when it comes to raising my daughter. I know that she is still very young and her having fun is about the only thing she really understands right now. I know I cant expect her to sit and entertain herself all day long and NOT get into things she is suppose to leave alone but I cant seem to turn the worry off.
Friday, November 16, 2012
When creepy guys follow you...
Wednesday night after class I stopped by Kroger on my way home to pick up some oatmeal since Colleen ran out and would go crazy if she didn't have it in the morning to eat. It was around 9:15 by the time I got out of the store and as I walked to my car I noticed a guy sitting in his car and when I passed the car again after pushing my buggy back to the front of the store he started his car, which the sound made me jump a little. I figured he was waiting for someone and saw them walk out of the store so I got in my car and started to leave. I then noticed the other car pull out without anyone else getting in. I left the parking lot and got into the turning lane at the light, as did the creepy guy. I made my turn and there was nobody else in the lane so the creepy guy was able to turn as well, but rather then accelerate normally the car crept very slowly as if they were purposely putting distance between us. I got to the next light and turned as did the other car and officially got weirded out.
Could it have been a coincidence that we were going the same way? Absolutely, however, the way he was sitting in the car and the position the car was in (far end of the parking lot with view of the entire area) and how he seemed to wait for me to put my groceries in the car, put my buggy up and get in the car before he decided to leave the store seemed a little to fishy to me.
I was going to continue to drive home, giving the guy the benefit of the doubt that it was a coincidence but I had the overwhelming urge to call Mark and just tell him and expected him to laugh a little at my craziness, however the reaction I got was much different. "Hang up the phone and call 911, stay on the phone until they pull the guy over and do not come home!"
During his instructions I notice the creepy guy u-turn in a place a normal person would not turn around at this late at night. I figured if he was following me he saw my phone light up and got scared off (or I really was thinking too much into it). Nevertheless it never occurred to me NOT to go home. As Mark put it, even if he didn't pounce that night, the guy would know where I lived and could attack at any time when his truck was not there. That thought actually scared me...I could have very well lead the creepy guy to my house and gave him open access to me and Colleen.
So, if you ever think some creepy guy is following you take the following actions (as given by my wonderful husband who also happens to be a cop and instructor for things like this)...
- Do not go home.
- Stay in well populated, lit areas
- Do not stop or get out of the car
- Call 911 and stay on phone with them, giving area updates until a cop makes it to you and pulls the creepy guy over.
Even if the creepy guy wasn't creepy after all and I read too much into it, this experience has opened my eyes to what could have been and now know what to do if the situation ever arises again.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Colleen is 2!!!
The past
year has brought so many new milestones in my little girl's life...
So much has changed in so little time...
Birthday Mornings
She has learned how to use a fork and spoon to eat, drink from a water bottle and even a big girl cup.
She has
learned how to talk and people can even understand her...started out one word
at a time and now can carry on a small conversation. She can tell you what she wants to eat (I
want oatmeal) and drink (I want apple juice!) tell you where she wants to go
play (I go to park and play), and even what she wants to do (I want to play
She has
learned to ride her little tricycle using the peddles. This girl is AMAZING on her bike, she can go
forward, backwards, turn into circles, maneuver around furniture and even back
right up to something and do a 3 point turn without hitting anything.
She has a
great memory, all you have to do is ask her where she hid Mommy's keys, what
she did with the fan remote, or where her cup is, etc. and she goes strait to
get the item. They are usually hiding in
her bike trunk or the play kitchen oven.
She knows
how to play cook...most adorable thing ever is her asking if I want eggs and
watch her go to her play kitchen with the spatula and "make Mommy
She knows
sounds and recognizes every type of vehicle...the look on her face when she
hears an airplane (ayrplane) or helicopter (helekopter)...her eyes get even
brighter when she hears a choo choo train and she explodes excitement when she
sees or hears a motorcycle (motorkykle).
(If you cant tell by now, she spends ALOT of time with her daddy).
She is a
big helper...when her daddy comes home from work she has to help him take off
and lock away his gun belt and take off his shoes and socks and tickles his
feet (of which her mommy has taught her that they are "stinky feet").
She doesn't stop there...she also helps
to put the boots away. Her favorite
helping activity is cutting the grass. I
am sure the neighbors love the fact that she loves to ride with her daddy on
the lawn mower for hours...they eventually run out of grass to cut and have to
put it away.
She says
the "God is Great" prayer, can count to 5, sing her ABCs (minus a few
letters), twinkle twinkle little star, Jesus loves me, the itsey bitsey spider,
and dance to I'm a little teapot. She
knows several of her colors (although if you ask her what color something
is...the answer will always be PINK).
She loves to play "the bird" which is my IPad, don't ask me
how it got named "the bird" and has even taught me cool tricks on
to color and write her name, both Doodle and Colleen and can almost spell her
name (she has the C O E E N).
She is
very demanding, when she sits on the floor you have to "sit on floor
too!" She has to do everything on
her own "I do it!"
She is
good at saving money, every time she finds a coin she has to put it in her
piggy bank or in her pocket if we are not home.
Her Grammy has taught her that the small plastic card is
"money" and now anything about that size is money too (business
cards, ID cards, etc.)
I am SO lucky to be the mommy of this precious little girl! Mommy loves you Honey, Happy Birthday!!!
favorite Colleen sayings/doings...
wuv you Mommy!"
name here) C'MON!"
fishy face
hugs and kisses
my bak" (rub my back)
book and rock"
Bella's belly
touch hinney"
pass gas"
"Kitty! Off Da Table!!"
I poopo"
bye Mommy"
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