Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I made it!

I give myself very little credit when it comes to accomplishments (a realization I made after staying up until midnight last night watching Dr. Phil).  I DID IT!!!  I survived tax season and spring semester of grad school all while being a wife and mom (although these past few months those roles suffered, I am very thankful that my husband took up the roll of daddy daycare as much as he could).

I am very thankful for the awesome support system that I have around me who helped me get through this time when I thought I wouldn't make it through.  I don't think I really knew how good I have it when it comes to family stepping in and helping out.   My mom never thought twice about picking up Colleen and taking her home with her on the nights I had class, or when I had to get papers done or even so I could go back to work.  She made sure Mark and Colleen were taken care of the nights I was away, cooking dinner and even sending some home for me to either eat when I made it home or to take to lunch the next day.  She really is a life savior!

As I look back now I do have some regrets that I want to keep on my mind so I can keep myself from doing the same thing this next semester.  I didn't give my husband enough credit for all that he did while I was away.  I know if I had been left home with a toddler all the time I would not be all that excited and extremely exhausted.  I had really high expectations for him and when he didn't meet them he caught my wrath for it and it wasn't fair of me to do that.

Going to school while working and being a mother and wife is kinda like delivering a baby; it REALLY sucks at the time and you think you wont make it but in the end you forget about all the pain and suffering and think "I can do it again".  Well, in two weeks I am going to do it again, but this time I am going to do it better!