Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 13 - Shrimp and Water

My little lime has grown to 3 inches long, which is apparently the size of a medium shrimp - I’m guessing that’s the size of the shrimps perfect for low country boil…low country boil - that sound REALLY good right now. People kept telling me once I hit the 13 week point I’d start to feel better - which seems to be relatively true. Starting on Friday I felt much better and didn’t get sick all weekend although I had another killer headache on Sunday.

Since I found out I was pregnant I’ve lost a total of 5 pounds, so you can imagine my excitement when I was able to eat this weekend. I was even more excited that I could drink water! Frankly, I’m getting tired of coke - it just doesn’t seem to do much for me except give me liquids that I can keep down. I’m really looking forward to putting those 5 pounds back on (when has a woman ever said that?)

Along with being able to eat this weekend I was almost productive. I managed to make room for the changing table I bought last week at a yard sale in my room. I had to move out the TV from my room that never got used in order to make room and the room actually looks bigger. Of course after I got things moved around my lower stomach felt like someone had punched me a few times too many so I had to quit and rest - leaving the bedroom in somewhat of a mess.

We had to run to Wal-Mart this weekend too to pick up a few things and get the boy some different shoes and while we were there I walked around the baby section and found the most adorable things. Mark wanted to go ahead and buy baby diapers and wipes to start stalking up for when it gets here but I didn’t want to jinx myself buying anything this early. I already took enough of a chance buying the changing table but for $15 I couldn’t pass it up. Maybe next week I’ll start buying diapers since I will officially be in my second trimester! Officially only 7 more weeks until I can find out what my baby is going to be even though my gut already knows - I’m just hoping I don’t have to admit that I was wrong, but if I am it will be ok - I’ll be happy with whatever is given to me. This baby will be the most loved child ever!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! I hope that you continue to feel well so that you can put a little weight on :)

    I am currently trying to lose about 30 pounds. It's a lot more fun to put the weight on while pregnant than it is to take it off afterwards. Of course, the baby is totally worth it though!
