At 16 weeks my little lemon has ripened into an avocado, about 4.5 inches from head to butt. My sickness is almost fully gone however last week was plagued by headaches and according to the midwife at my appointment today it could have been caused by SEVERAL things; stress, increased blood flow, caffeine withdrawals, dips in my blood sugar from not eating often enough among other things. In other words I need to start eating every two hours, quit drinking coke as soon as possible and relax for a little each day. I wonder if eating a skittle or two every half hour will keep my sugar consistent…might be fun trying.
At my doctor’s appointment today I met one of the other midwifes at the office, she was nice and informative. I’m healthy, my test results were fine and my uterus is now about two fingers below my belly button – it was kind of uncomfortable trying to find it. Heard my baby’s heartbeat again today, was beating at 150 beats per minute. Mark heard it from the waiting room where he was keeping the kids entertained. Apparently I have to get the movie Jungle Book and let Mark watch it since he could not properly pronounce Mogli’s name when he read the book to the kids of which I got a good giggle out of.
I’m only up 3 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight and I’m really trying to eat good and more to get my weight up (that sounds so weird to say). One place I read said if you are not gaining enough weight then to drink a milkshake each day, good source of calcium and extra calories…I need to go to the store and get me some chocolate ice cream and bananas, make me my banana chocolate milkshakes!!! I’m excited! Another exciting thing…two of our neighbors have brought over fresh veggies and fruit. Baby Rich REALLY appreciated the healthy stuff – she did share with the rest of the family too!
Speaking of SHE’s or HE’s, we have the date for my ultrasound to find out the sex; June 22nd. I can’t wait! Last night I had another weird dream in which I went in for a regular check-up and the doctor held up my baby by the back of the neck and inspected the genitals. The doctor said it was going to be a girl and there was no way it would change to a boy. This is a change from the dreams I was having about my little girl changing into a boy minutes after it was born. Four more weeks and we will know for sure.
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