This is the moment I became a mother...the moment I said "I do" was also the same moment I took on the responsibility of motherhood, although he wasn't officially mine, I knew in my heart it didn't matter, I would love him as if he were.
This is the moment I "officially" became a mother. It took me 9 months to grow this 7 pound 14 ounce little girl and I still have the stretch marks to prove it. When she was born I felt complete, my baby, my little Colleen, would bring me so much frustration and joy, so much anxiety and happiness - she has accomplished so much in her short 3.5 year life, including amazing me each day.
Being a mother isn't about giving birth, its about loving the children that have been brought into your life. It's easy being Colleen's mom, she loves me despite my faults, despite my lack of patience; I have every day to show her she is loved, to show her that I am human and even human mommies make mistakes in how we act and raise them. Its much harder being a step-mom, knowing that the only time you have to offer guidance and show them love is not your time at all. I am constantly struggling to get an hour of borrowed time. I want so many things for him but at the end of the day it doesn't seem to matter because I still have no say and that is harder to handle than any temper tantrum Colleen may throw. I love my children, regardless of what title I may or may not have, I just wish I had that special time and relationship with both of them.
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