Stopping to smell the roses...
A few days ago I picked Colleen up from "school" and we went on an adventure to Walmart. As soon as we get there she has to use the bathroom, but before we head to the restrooms she stops at the floral area and smells almost every bouquet of flowers on display. I remember thinking we need to hurry up but then I looked at her and smiled, allowing her to continue to smell the roses. I want to start stopping to smell the roses - to find the simple things in life that bring me happiness.
Today was a good day for rose smelling, especially since my baby girl visited me at work and brought me a dozen red roses while telling me "Happy Easter" instead of Mothers Day - but I wouldn't change the mix up for anything. She then handed me a card of which she proceeded to help me see what it is by opening it for me. She is such a helpful little girl.
As a continuation of my early Mothers Day we went to lunch. At the BBQ restaurant Colleen sees two piggy banks, one big and one little, sitting side by side. She took it upon herself to help take care of the baby pig cause the mommy pig needed a break - seriously it was the cutest thing (would have been cuter had the pig been plastic - luckily we made it out without breaking the baby pig).
Later at home it was just the two of us - attempting to keep my cool and do fun things we decide to take the dogs for a walk. She walks Bella and I walked Bernie (aka Barney). We didn't make it past the neighbors house before Bella pulls her down and we had to discuss the proper way to hold the leash so it wouldn't happen again, although with a 30 pound girl holding the leash of a 30 pound dog there was no real avoidance of some struggles, nonetheless we made it down the road and back with no more incidents.
Colleen has a fascination with feeding things - today she had to get some dirt to feed the snakes in the bushes "don't worry mom, I'm not feeding real snakes, I'm just pretending." So she thinks...
Bed time rolls around and Colleen is suppose to go to bed; I was listening to music, playing wirelessly through my phone, when all the sudden my music changes...again...and again. Upon inspection I notice my phone is missing. I couldn't help but laugh when I go to Colleen's room and her head pops up and my phone in her hands "I was just changing the song - I'm still in my bed."
The boys made it home and the next thing I know she is doing pushups with her brother; wish I had a video of that scene. Once she sees me she comes running to me "mommy, can I do that with Bubba?" Whatever, its Friday night - go ahead. A few minutes later she comes running up to me with a sticker "Mommy, I saw you cleaning the laundry room and you did a great job! Thumbs up! Pinky promise! Here is your sticker!" Thumbs up I get, pinky promise....well we need to help her understand that one a little better but it was still adorable and innocent. The sticker brought up a question in my mind - why is my 3 year old giving me stickers for doing a good job and not the other way around? That will be my mission for tomorrow...
Looking at the positive of the day and I can say it was a great day...I am however leaving out the spraying of sun screen all over herself, the entire package of 24 rolls of toilet paper that is in the trash after it made its way from the closet and into the bathtub, and the blue handprint on my bedroom door that I am certain wasn't there this morning, but hey...we are smelling the roses.
I LOVE THIS. Reading this made my heart happy! Give a big hug to that sweet girl of yours. Happy Mother's Day. We need a phone date very soon <3.