Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week 18 - tomatoes and deer

Week 18 – only three more weeks to confirm the sex of Baby Rich! My baby bump is A LOT more noticeable now, especially if I wear form fitting shirts, this could be because my baby is now the size of a bell pepper…that’s a big change from a blueberry in my book. My baby is moving a lot more now which I can feel more and more each day.

According to Baby Center I should be laying on my side when I sleep, or at least not fully on my back, which kinda sucks cause sometimes it feels really good when I lay on my back. I’ve seemed to have regressed back into being sleepy all the time. I thought the second trimester was suppose to be the best one…again I blame Hollywood for making pregnancy seem so much fun. They sure do leave out a lot of important information, like these ligament pains that sometimes send me to my knees, or the thirty thousand trips to the bathroom, or even better the uncomfortableness after you eat that makes me wish I would not have eaten anything to begin with. This could explain why I’m still the same weight as I was two weeks ago. I have been eating some snacks throughout the day, so hopefully this will help with the weight gain a little bit.

Apparently my husband has fallen a bit behind on protecting our garden. He let some deer come and eat almost our entire tomato harvest and didn’t get me deer jerky!!! I’m very upset with that one…I’ve been really wanting some deer jerky and even though its not deer season, technically killing the deer should qualify as protecting our property so we shouldn’t get in trouble if we did kill one RIGHT??? We did manage to pick about 4 tomatoes that the pesky deer (who should be in my dehydrator right now) didn’t eat, now to wait on the other veggies to grow. Until then, I still have a nice stash of fresh veggies that the neighbor brought over to tie me over.

I have my first class at the birth center on Thursday, it’s suppose to teach me about nutrition, which apparently I need some lessons on. I will also get to hear my baby’s heartbeat again and find out what I did to myself to make my side hurt. Kinda feels like something has beat the crap out of my ovary on the right side…maybe something is sitting on it…I don’t know. Should have more to report next week…stay in tune for Week 19!

1 comment:

  1. The pain in your side could be round ligament pain, the stretching of your uterus to accommodate your growing baby. Or not, but either way I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about. I agree, the second trimester has not been fun at all. The only thing that changed for me is that I stopped running to the bathroom every ten minutes. Everything else is pretty much the same. Are you hoping for a boy or girl?
