Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 12 - Limes and Choo-Choo Trains

Another week down, we are at week 12 now and we have made it back to a size I know…A lime! Lime’s may not be my favorite fruit but apparently they are really good in Corona’s – not that I would know due to the fact that I detest beer but nonetheless it works. My baby apparently will squirm when my stomach is prodded, which we found out first hand during today’s doctors appointment. While we were trying to find the little lime to hear its heartbeat, almost as soon as we found it the little stinker would move, causing a very loud swooshing sound. We did get to hear the heartbeat – sounded just like a little choo-choo train.

Today’s doctor’s appointment included my physical – which all the women know exactly what goes on with one of those – some points are not very fun at all. Since last week’s appointment I’ve lost 2 pounds. Normally I’d be happy, especially since this is the lightest I’ve been in the last 5 years but these past few weeks have not been so fun. I’d much rather have gained the weight. I feel horrible, not just cause I’m sick all the time, but I feel guilty that I cant drink water, which I know my baby needs, and I cant eat anything healthy (or even unhealthy) – I was wrong that all babies love McDonald’s French fries…mine just doesn’t care.

Mark was able to attend my appointment with me – he was a very good record keeper. I have a binder which has all my information that I need to know at this point, including a record page so I can keep up with my weight, blood pressure, baby’s heartbeat (today it was around 140) along with other things and Mark was steadily filling in the blanks making sure he got it all recorded. He even was tasked with his own homework, although it was more along the lines of “make sure she does ____” and I’m sure he will take his job very seriously.

With my pregnancy all my energy has gone to keeping my baby safe and healthy, which I don’t mind at all, but it has left my body susceptible too all sorts of infections. At 6 weeks pregnant I had strep throat, at 8 weeks a yeast infection, and 12 weeks a bacterial infection and with each new thing the meds cost more and more. The first prescription was only $4 but today’s…$70!!! That was not exciting to see.

We ended the day playing poker, trying to win back the money we just spent on the medicine but about 2 hours into the game I found myself getting more and more aggravated with the other players who kept taking my money, so I went “all in” to have myself taken “all out” which allowed me to chill out. I did manage to keep down my Chicken Bacon Ranch sandwich from Domino’s that I ate for dinner – even if I did only eat half of it before I fed the rest to Mark. Hopefully this will continue for a few days to help restore some much needed energy, but if it don’t I’ll at least know my baby is doing just fine and it will all be worth it in the end.

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